My consulting work
I work with a number of specialist conservation teams on some major historic buildings.
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Ickworth from the sky © Robin Forster
St Mary Le Strand, London © Robin Forster
This work includes both research, and refinement of understanding and development of policies to protect significance, as well as project management, including consultations, and stakeholder engagement and workshops. These high-level reports play a crucial role in the development and protection of sensitive sites and buildings of national and international historic importance. I have worked regularly with Caroe Architecture Ltd, Cambridge Architectural Research Ltd, and Nick Cox Associates.
The Nave looking west © Robin Forster, and by kind permission of the Chapter of St Paul’s Cathedral
Since 2008, I have also worked for select clients advising on the development of ‘exceptional/outstanding’ new country house designs related to NPPF Para 80e and its predecessors, and have worked with leading architects including Francis Terry and Craig Hamilton on successful permissions.
My committee work includes being a former member the Council for the Care of Churches and its Sculpture and Furnishings subcommittee, and have been a trustee of Stowe House Preservation Trust and Moggerhanger House Preservation Trust. I am currently a trustee of the Historic Houses Foundation (formerly the Country House Foundation).
View across Front Court, Emmanuel College, Cambridge © Will Pryce
Consulting Roles
As an independent heritage & historic buildings consultant, since 2008, I work with a number of specialist conservation teams on some major historic buildings including
St Paul’s Cathedral
St Mary Le Strand
Bevis Marks Synagogue
Emmanuel College, Cambridge
Red House
Oxburgh Hall
Blickling Hall
Hardwick Old and New Hall
Ickworth Park